The Waiting Game & OH Email!!!

Right after I went out of the room, I was trying to evaluate every single questions and what I could have said to make it sound better. The mixed feeling of being pretty sure that I totally nailed it 100% to feeling devastated that I didn’t do my best is a very normal thing after your FI. Waiting another 2-4 weeks for the result is the hardest part. Some people who attended the interview without bringing all the documents required had 7 days after the FI to email all the pending documents with certain email body, email subject, and details in order to keep your documents in track. All this details were given at the end of your AD Emirates also contacted certain candidates to retake their photos. Remember, your recruiter will present your application and interview to the HR in Dubai who can only see you on those photos, so make sure you gave your best shots. Honestly, after the 3rd day of my FI, I checked on my submission status on the Emirates website which of course showed no difference since the last time I updated them after my AD. It still says “Completed”


I randomly checked on my the Emirates website one afternoon even though I just had it checked in the morning, apparently it became my obsessive to check on my status every day and night, it really is unnecessary. And there it goes, for the first time (that I knew of) my submission status changed into “Interview Completed” only 9 days after the FI, Some girls got their status changed, some not.

Status IC

Submission status is NOT something you can rely on. I found out along the way that IC status could be a good sign that 80% chance you would eventually get an OH, but there are also some people who got IC status and still got UM. As well as no changes to the status would not guarantee that you would accept UMs, I know some people who didn’t have their status changing into IC and still got their OH, sometimes it changed straight into JFIP, and getting GC on the next day, it is a very rare case but it sometimes happens. Emirates is always full of suprises!! So help yourself by staying positive throughout the process, and whatever the outcome is, accept with good attitude :)

While waiting for my result, I started to do my research on Emirates cabin crew blogs and social media accounts, Trying to compare the timeline and what to do after FI. Timeline is also very different one person to another, but you cannot rely on it as it really depends on many factors.

Exactly 2 weeks later after the FI (March 9th, 2015), some girls in my WhatsApp group said they have got emails from Emirates, unfortunately it’s the Unsuccessful Emails, I was really sad as those girls were really beautiful and lovely, at the same time I was checking my email hoping no emails coming in from them that day.

On March 12th, 2015, when I least expected it and was overwhelmed with my workload, a girl in the WhatsApp group said she got her On Hold mail. I was really excited for her and went straight into my inbox, where there is an email from Emirates Group Career with a subject Emirates Group Application. I instantly knew this is the email I was waiting for. But I was too nervous to open it. After staring into my computer’s screen too long, I decided to open it and it says …

OHCongratulations! Getting your OH means that you (almost) got the job. All you need to do is sit back and wait for your Golden Call, that normally happens within 1-2 months, again it depends on the training slots, your nationality, gender and else, you could get your GC within few weeks or up to 3 months. For guys it takes longer time, because they only have very few slots for guys on each training batches.

While waiting patiently for your GC, you can do several things:

  • Checking the Medical Forms, doing research on what you can do to prepare beforehand.

I know many people said that you will still have plenty of time to take care of that once you get your GC. I’m thinking the other way round. As the workload is getting crazy, I’m thinking to do whatever I could just for the peace of mind. I went to my dentist one week after my OH mail, only to find out that I needed to remove a wisdom teeth and filled in some cavities. Which is good, so next visit to my dentist, I only need a cleaning treatment and asked him to fill in the dental form. I also went to get my blood taken and check on some things I’m worried of. You don’t need to do this if you don’t want to. Honestly, I wouldn’t suggest you to pay anything before your GC, unless you are really concerned about it and you know it might take time to fix it.

For example, if you got your blood test results that is unacceptable, you still have time to fix it by eating healthy food and doing strict diet on your intake.

Another thing you can do is make a checklist on what kind of vaccinations you had taken or you should get before flying out to Dubai. Yellow fever vaccine is mandatory prior to joining, and in some countries it can also be very low in stock, so better to do your research on where you can get all the vaccinations needed and the time frame needed, and of course how much you will spend on it. As all of the medical check up that you do at home and vaccinations are all under your expenses.

This 44 page workbook consists of everything you need to know about Emirates and your job, Just like the title, it prepares you to take off on your exciting journey to Dubai. Information from an insider, try to learn and memorize the alphabets, aviation terminology, and airport codes. They are the most useful information you could learn for the training and exams. Let me warn you, there are sooo many of codes and terminology you have to familiarize yourself with. Learn, learn, and learn! This is what you signed up for ;)

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